It seems like such a simple concept but designing and integrating lighting for your meeting and conference rooms is an actual science and can not be ignored. The impacts of insufficient lighting, glare, improper contrast, poorly distributed light, and flicker can not only decrease productivity within your meeting rooms but can also cause strained eyes and headaches for your employees.
Termed: Lighting Ergonomics – there are many things that you can do to ensure you are getting the very best out of your meeting rooms. Considering natural light or maximizing its potential in a meeting space should be a priority however here are a few ways to help solve common meeting room lighting problems.
Correcting Insufficient Light – Schedule regular lightbulb replacements and light fixture cleaning. Along with adding more light fixtures within a space, painting walls and ceilings light colours will also allow light to be reflected to eliminate shadows around the room.
Correcting Glare – Use adjustable or brightness controls with more low-intensity light fixtures rather than one high-intensity fixture. Control and diffuse light with lenses that are added to lights. Proper positioning of light fixtures is another way to reduce reflected light toward the eyes.
Correcting Contrast – Your meeting room table and work area should be brighter than the surrounding areas. Use matte finishes on surfaces and move shiny objects out of view to decrease any of the reflected glare.
As office meeting rooms are transitioning from the mundane traditional board room with four walls and a table to spaces where design inspires creativity and collaboration, lighting design is not to be overlooked. We work with interior designers at the onset of each project to ensure that these considerations are discussed and aligned with the meeting space proposed design.